Part Ⅱ. External axis

The external axis synchronizes with the robot in path motion, but it is a different axis.

A. Path overview on the external axis


Figure-Outside-1 Positioner Control


Figure-Outside-2 Alignment Options

A. External axis definition: Two external axes and one external axis are available.
  1. The base is required to be fixed at all times while the robot is rotating.
  2. Axis 1 can rotate on the base and must be defined.
  3. Axis 2 can rotate on Axis 1 (set on Axis 1) and always works with the robot.
B. Creating an External Axis (Positioner) File
  1. If you want to use an external axis, define a positioner file (.pst) (see Figure-Outside-4).
    (Usually, give a file name in advance and define it. Load → Apply → Close)
C. Points for creating an external axis path

To briefly explain how to create an external axis path, the following usages are used.

  1. The tool posture at point 1 is applied to all points in the path.
  2. The path can be created in the same way as a normal (6 axis) robot.
  3. If the tool can reach the point in the correct posture without a positioner, there is no need to move the external axis at all.
  4. The tool can rotate around its own Z axis.
  5. After creating the path using the external axis, more options (positioner control) are available. This option is another way to "move" the external axis. (See Figure-Outside-1)
  6. If you have set the alignment option, consider creating another path. (See Figure-Outside-2)
D. Points to keep in mind when creating an external axis path

When creating a path, keep the following points in mind.

In the work of creating an external axis path, it greatly reduces the time required for manual work and reduces dangerous and costly work. However, the user himself must also provide a reasonable environment (on the external axis, the interference check should be found and avoided by simulation).
"Maintaining the tool posture of point 1" means depriving the robot of two degrees of freedom. And it gives the two-axis positioner that degree of freedom. As a result, the user himself will support the attitude control of the external axis.

B. Creating a path on the external axis


Figure-Outside-3 Motion Mode Selection

external axis By using the external axis, the operating load on the robot is reduced.

Also, create path points so that the tool does not rotate around the X and Y axes as much as possible.

(A license (paid) is required to use the external axis)

1. Motion mode changes

motion mode Click until the letter in motion mode changes to "S".

2. Create a positioner file, select

Import Settings : Positioner. Create (or read) the positioner file and press the Apply button. (See Figure-Outside-4)


Figure-Outside-4 Creating and reading a positioner file

1) Solution tab

Solution : Type of positioner used

Axis 1 Fix : If you want to fix the first one of the two axis positioners, the positioner will be in its current location
(only axis 2 will work and the tool position will have to move as well)

2) Component tab

Limit : You can enter the minimum and maximum angles.

Right : Checks if the axis rotation direction uses the right-handed coordinate system.

Robot : Checks if the axis is moving in cooperation with the robot.

Mission : Role of Axis; Base, Axis 1, Axis 2

Component name : The name of the part in the assembly

PST file : Positioner data file name and path

C. Path creation

Figure-Outside-5 Positioner Path

Creating a path Create a path in the same way as for the 6-axis robot.

(See Figure-Outside-5 Video)