What's new in RobotWorks8

RobotWorks 8 uses exactly the same file structure as the previous version.
However, in RobotWorks 8, the path saved in RobotWorks 8 cannot be used correctly in the previous version due to the addition of new functions to this file.
Many functions have been added and problems have been resolved in RobotWorks 8. In addition, new features have been added at the request of users. This version of the robot file can be used with RB7 or RB6. However, it adds new features not found in previous versions.
The main functions of RobotWorks 8 are described below (the order is meaningless).
Understanding "what's new" will require knowledge of the key features of previous versions of RobotWorks.

1. Path optimization


Many features have been added to this version. And the work of user setting and change processing based on the program message has been reduced.

The operation for this is to have a "green light" in or after, and the path creation will be created automatically. An example is shown below.


An example is shown below.

  • In automatic part placement , the parts are rearranged and placed in the optimum position in front of the robot.
  • Rz rotates the tool so that it lines up with the robot arm. Minimal hose or cable wrap around the arm and prevent the 6 axes from rotating beyond the limit (avoid full rotation)
  • Rx & Ry reduces robot wrist motion (so that it is not straight) by "bending" the points. By doing so, the robot will move less.
  • Singular point optimization is, avoid the singularity path will be modified for.

  • 2. New Positioner


    New positioner logic and options have been added.
    In previous versions, positioner path automation was created so that the tool keeps the positioner's world position. This way, the associated positioner links will remain in their original position as requested.
    This way, the associated positioner links will remain in their original position as requested. New logic has been added in this version. This logic minimizes link jumps and repositions the tool where it is. This allows for high quality jobs and fast pass performance.
    In addition, a new option has been added to the turntable . This feature rotates the table so that the part can move within the robot's reach and automatically calculates the path of the part on the table.

    3. UNDO


    In RobotWorks, a new operation is performed within a "layer".
    For example, let's say you created a pattern. After that, let's say you've modified some of the points.
    In this version, you can undo the last operation and return to the previous stage.

    4. Child point


    Child point is a point that is directly related to the case to create a point on the lead.
    For example, approach points, department store points, step and repeat points, and so on.
    These points are automatically updated when the path is modified.

    5. Chop / expansion pattern


    There is a pattern as an additional option.
    The pattern is chopped (chopped / reduced) in this version.
    Alternatively, it will be expanded (larger) than the original size when clicked.

    6. Move / Copy point


    To copy the point group, to another location can move features have been added.
    This copypoint group is treated as an independent group.

    7. Import Point-New Options

    Two options have been added to RobotWorks.

  • Ability to place new points at a specific pitch
  • Robot file-Ability to place points in the first order after being loaded into
  • In addition to the major changes mentioned above, many changes and issues have been resolved.